Multi pitch climbing in Andradas

The best of Brazil is the chance of having some many different climbing areas around you.

 This time we went to the city of Andradas, in Minas Gerais state. The goal was to do some easy multi pitch slabs, and get our brains in shape ;)

Elefant rock, in Andradas area.

Now it’s the best of climbing season in Brazil, so good weather was with us.

long walks..

p1 in on the flake,

p1: 25m. no bolts.

p2. 2 bolts, 50m.

The city of Andradas, seing from the p4.

first rappel.

Baby Wolly monkey

A baby wolly monkey, at The Juruena National Park, Brazil. This was kept as a pet by the Apiaká people, and only let me take a pic from him after a few good days of trying.

The Juruena River is one of the most preserved and natural of Brazil. Lying on the border between the Brazilian savanna and the Amazon forest, it is a river with many rapids and crystal clear waters, being a place of outstanding scenic beauty. With special biological importance, it has characteristics of both biomes around, with a very high rate of unknown and rare species.

#wildlife #nationalpark #Brazil #baby #monkey#photography

One of the most common cichlids in the aquarium hobby!

Astronotus ocellatus, a very common fresh water fish specie in Tiete river, besides not being native from the area.
Introduced with the Peacock bass, the population has prospered. Besides the sport fishing and collecting for aquarism, it can be easily spotted.
Here you can see the amazing colours of this Cichlid, spotting a Hyphessobrycon sp, or ” Mato grosso”. They live in the Elodeas sp forests, close to the 3 irmãos dawn.
Rio Tietê is one of the most polluted rivers from#Brazil. Crossing the city of São Paulo, where is totally dead, it follows for more than 800km, to join rio Paraná. The river in this área is very clean, with very high water quality, besides all the damages by planting, farming and industry.

Introduced with the Peacock bass, the population has prospered. Besides the sport fishing and collecting for aquarism, it can be easily spotted.
Here you can see the amazing colours of this Cichlid, spotting a Hyphessobrycon sp, or ” Mato grosso”. They live in the Elodeas sp forests, close to the 3 irmãos dawn.
Rio Tietê is one of the most polluted rivers from#Brazil. Crossing the city of São Paulo, where is totally dead, it follows for more than 800km, to join rio Paraná. The river in this área is very clean, with very high water quality, besides all the damages by planting, farming and industry.

Astronomus ocellatus

O apaiari uma espécie de peixe muito comum no rio Tiête, apesar de não ser nativo.
Introduzido com o baixo Tucunaré, a população tem prosperado. Apesar da  pesca esportiva e do aquarismo, ele pode ser facilmente avistado. Eles vivem nas florestas de Elódeas, e esse foi fotografado perto da #hidroelétrica de Três Irmãos,.
Rio Tietê é um dos rios mais poluídos do Brasil. Atravessando a cidade de São Paulo, onde está totalmente morto, segue-se por mais de 800 km, até  o rio Paraná. O rio nesta área é muito limpo, com muito elevado de qualidade da água, além de todos os danos por plantio, cultivo e na indústria.

A fresh water shrimp

Atlantic Forest

A small txt from my article at National Geographic Brazil.

Today there are in #Brazil approximately 8% of the original vegetation of the Atlantic Forest. Once subjected to impact, vegetation cover never returns to its natural state. Removed the big trees, the sun hits the ground with more intensity, the light enables the development of other plants, they would not have chance in the shadows, thereby changing the vegetation characteristics. The dried wet substrate, killing # animals, fungi and bacteria responsible for degrading organic matter and nutrients interrupting the cycle. Carefully money and labor can restore a healthy vegetation, but never the same.

#forest #wildlife #nationalgeographic #wildlife#photography #snake

The atlatic forest is much more dense than the Amazon forest.

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